News and Such, Published

Things that make you go “Oooh!”

I am thrilled beyond words to be in Morning, Noon, and Night, an anthology edited by the incomparable Alison Tyler and published by Cleis Press.  It’s always a pleasure to be selected by Alison for her collections, and getting to join the company of writers I admire just adds to it.  The anthology is due out in November and I have to say, isn’t that a lovely cover?

Then, top that delicious sundae of happiness off with getting to be the opening story and getting a review like this?  Well, just call me one hell of a happy writer.

[…]when Alison asked if I wanted to write my thoughts about one of the stories in the anthology, I decided to pick a writer whose work I knew I enjoyed. Reading down the table of contents, first up was Aisling Weaver. Job done. I picked Aisling, without realising that her opening to the book is a sweet, shiny, tiny little flash piece, ten sentences in length.

Go visit Justine Elyot to read the read of her thoughts…

I have to admit, I’ve read her review, a review that, honestly, is longer than my story, more than once. It’s something for a writer to have that gut feeling that a story is good, but something else entirely to have that sometimes elusive proof of it; a reader’s response.  I can’t wait for the book to come out and other’s to sample to delights it offers.  I’ve been working my way through it and will offer my own thoughts on one of those delicious any-time-of-day delights soon!


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