
There’s a chill in the air. . .

It’s almost astonishing that the end of October is here.  I remember, as a child, lamenting the passage of time as going far too slowly and that my mother would chide me “Just wait until your my age, kiddo.”

Well, seems I’ve reached that point and then some and I have to say something I’ve said time and time again.  My mom was right.

I had considered tackling NaNoWriMo again this year.  However I’ve decided against it.  If I happen to manage to meet the totals over the course of the month, that’s fantastic, but I’ve a dozen projects in the queue and I’ve no desire to add another one to those wishing for my attention.

I had a mildly intoxicated conversation with  my friend @Michchievous Friday evening.  By the end of it I think we both had found our way past a bit of writer’s block.  So I’m off to enjoy my coffee then put some words down on one of the many projects asking for my attention.

I’ll be cheering on all those who will tackle NaNoWriMo!

2 thoughts on “There’s a chill in the air. . .

  1. Nice to have so much NaNo cheerleaders :) Hope you’ll spare a thought for me when I start tomorrow!

    Nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Details are on my site!


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