And we’re off!

I have a thing for snow leopards. If you’ve known me long enough you’ll know that. It started with this painting. I wrote a story around it with a group of friends, actually. Then it was my avatar for a while. Some day I really want a print of it to hang on my wall. The snow leopard is my totem animal. I send little snow leopard stuffed animals to friends when they’re too far away for me to hug.
So I guess it’s no surprise that as I dig into my Were WIP I find that my weres are big cats, and that my main character is a snow leopard. I’m loving my MC and we are finally getting into some serious nitty gritty. It’s going to be an interesting ride, folks.
The hollow of my spine writhed with pain and heat and coiled energy. A riot of expressions twisted Syrus’s face faster than I could decipher them but his scent was steady and clear. I was his. His. Possession and hunger and an angry sort of loneliness filled the air with the bite of hot cinnamon, copper and crushed fall leaves. Beneath Syrus I could smell Anya. Her soothing sun-warm sweetness veined with unripe apple and a sharp scent of crushed rock. She worried and mourned my leaving before I’d even gone.
This WIP was at 9,168 words when I woke this morning. I’ve gotten 113 more down and I’m going to tear off some more momentarily. Just thought I’d let y’all know what to look forward to. Oh! And the Taterboy and I took a .67 mile walk this morning. My walking app didn’t quite do what it was supposed to, so I can’t tell you what all we logged yesterday, but it was close to 2.5 miles. We’ll do another longish one later today, I’m sure :)
Sounds hot & exciting. Love the excerpt – can’t wait to read the rest. And good job on the walks with taterboy!