What a lovely day for a stroll. . .
Well, after snowflakes Friday morning we’re back in the comfortable 40-50 degree range here in Atlanta with sunny brilliant blue skies. So far Taterboy and I have done 2.4 miles of walking today with another half mile planned for later, so I think we’re doing pretty well! The amazing bit of that is that none of that walking has left what we who live here call ‘The Bubble’. . .I started out this afternoon deciding that I didn’t want to do my long walk, wasn’t up to it, and that I would just wander about the development. But when I tracked my walk it was almost as long as the long one I like to take! Every little bit adds up, I guess, so I’m going to try to keep better track of my “small” walks to get a feel for just how much I’m getting in.
Otherwise it’s a quite day at Chateau Weaver; I woke with one of those stitches in the neck that keeps you from turning your head…don’t you hate those… so we’re keeping a low profile today. While the Taterboy is doing this . . .
two miles is a long walk y’know. . .
. . .I’m going to try to get some more wordage done one my Were wip then I think I’ll be soaking in the bath for a while. I tell ya, having a nice big bathtub has completely converted me to the hedonistic pursuit of long, steamy baths! :D
So, I’ll leave you with a peek at what I wrote yesterday. . . I am loving these characters and all the complexities they’re revealing as I write!
“Shh, Cassidy, shh. Don’t. Don’t run again.” Anya’s voice reached into me and my fingers twitched. “Cassidy.” They spoke in tandem. I couldn’t disobey. Deep inside me everything that wanted to run quieted. I went still and Anya touched my cheek, pulling me upright. Syrus settled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. The burn of desire flickered again, licking up my spine, and I couldn’t help the tiny moan that trickled out when he leaned into me and breathed in my scent.
And off I go!