Las Vegas and writing and things that go bump in the night
Attending EAA’s first conference, Sex in Sin City, was a little like visiting Las Vegas itself.
The city of Las Vegas is larger than life. From the scale of the place to the reduction of wants, wishes and expectations it’s hard to wrap your mind around the city at first glance. My first few hours at EAACon was a bit like that. I kept meeting people that I’ve read for years, that I never thought I’d meet. The fangirl in me squeed as I met and hugged Remittance Girl, Emerald, and sat in the same room with countless other talented individuals.
For a time I felt like a young girl slipping her mother’s tall spindly heels on and teetering, struggling to reach for something I wasn’t yet.
Then. My muse woke.
And in the middle of the day 1, after a lovely lunch with Remittance Girl, Ruby Kiddell and Wyeth Bailey, inspiration struck and stuck like gum to the bottom of your shoe. My fingers twitched as we made the inevitable walk through the casino back to the conference(you know you can’t go anywhere in Vegas without passing through a casino first). I wanted to write. I had a story and my main character raged against the inside of my skull, demanding the right to jerk off across a page.
So, I wrote. I begged off the after lunch session and set myself up in a chair in the hallway. Over the next hour a story poured out onto my keyboard. It was glorious. I rode the wave of it, finishing the story as the session spilled writers into the hallway.
Suddenly I didn’t feel like a fangirl anymore.
I felt like I belonged there, that I should be adding my thoughts to this amazing collective pool of talent and experience.

Not quite what you expected for an EAACon post? Well, there’s no sense reinventing the wheel, and other attendees have written extensively about the content and breadth and experience. Just search for #EAACon on twitter and you’ll find them. I’m here to tell you I walked away from the conference with a clearer view of my immediate path and a refined idea of what and who Aisling Weaver is. So stick around. Check back now and again and see what I’m cooking up. I’ll be changing the site extensively over the next week or so, but I’ll try and keep y’all updated on how that’s going. In fact, I’m going to try to ramble here just a little every day, just to talk about how the writing’s going and so forth.
Sounds to me like you did exactly what I wanted to do! It was a battle convincing my muse to let me spend time with and get to know some of the fab US erotica writers I’d met on line but not in person, but wow! What a treat!
And it was AMAZING to finally meet you! I hope in future we’ll have another chance to talk in person.
Thanks for the fabulous party!
K D Grace
It was my pleasure! So glad to meet you as well, and thanks for diving into the fray with us all :)
Sounds fantastic. And oh how I wish to soon… some day… be that fangirl. Or perhaps even the writer in her own, sitting in the hallways, tapping out – doubtlessly – fine fine words.
Much love.
I could have sworn I commented on this already…well, since it does not appear to be here, it was an utter pleasure to meet you in person, Aisling! (You’re even more beautiful than your pictures show. :)) I wish I had made it over to the Cosmopolitan to see you again—I would have loved to see that hotel too—but in planning my trip there to be quite short, I had to rush off to the airport Saturday night.
I hope to get to see you in person again soon! Hugs and love.
We definitely have to get together again for something like what Sommer Marsden and I did….”a nice long chat with waitress interruptions” as she called it ;) I’ll be in Baltimore for Memorial Day and if I end up back up that way for any other reason I’ll let you know! And let me know if you’re in Atlanta!!