#WankWednesday :: #Bolt
The following was written for Ruby Kiddell’s #wankwednesday writing challenge. Do stop by her place and check out the rest!
I tremble at the precipice. Every time we kiss I nudge up to this self-same edge and we both wait for me to bolt.
It’s what I do.
I do it well. Fight or flight, autonomic response. My stomach twists, skin flushes, lips chill.
Your grip loosens. You wait.
Time and again I make this choice. This time I don’t run. Lean in, open my mouth, let you consume me. Your growl turns my body into a tuning fork.
You dowse my body, delve inside. Pinned against a wall I come. I deliver myself to you on a sob, undone.
Ohhhh I really like this, so simple, yet so erotic.
“I deliver myself to you on a sob, undone.” Utterly beautiful.
So short. So simple. So good.
I reallllyyy like this! I agree with Candida, that last line is my favorite. I can feel the fight or flight moment, even in the brevity of this piece.
Well done. :)
This was so beautiful. I could just feel her surrendering, trusting and staying. I liked it a lot.
Short but *oh* so sweet. It’s true, the best things come in small packages….