100 Word Flashers, AislingWeaver, Erotica

#WankWednesday :: #Bolt

The following was written for Ruby Kiddell’s #wankwednesday writing challenge.  Do stop by her place and check out the rest!

I tremble at the precipice.  Every time we kiss I nudge up to this self-same edge and we both wait for me to bolt.

It’s what I do.

I do it well.  Fight or flight, autonomic response.  My stomach twists, skin flushes, lips chill.

Your grip loosens.  You wait.

Time and again I make this choice.  This time I don’t run.  Lean in, open my mouth, let you consume me.  Your growl turns my body into a tuning fork.

You dowse my body, delve inside. Pinned against a wall I come.  I deliver myself to you on a sob, undone.



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