Thief ~ Fuck Me Friday
Twitterotica themes have been hanging around for some time, with various writers tackling weekly challenges such as #wankwednesday and so on, and writing challenges far and wide are abundant. So when Ruby Kiddell and I started talking about trying to get the weekly smut-a-thons going again I was all for it. Well, she tackled it with her customary flair and the first linky love Wank Wednesday went off with great success!! The goal is two-fold; for writers, a weekly challenge to keep the, err, juices flowing. For readers, you’ll find all the stories linked off at the bottom of each week’s prompt. Are you game? So, welcome to the linky love edition of Fuck Me Friday. All you have to do is this;
- Write a story with the prompt as your title. Today’s will be :
- Tweet it with both the prompt hashtag and the hashtag #FuckMeFriday
- And lastly add it to the links at the bottom of this post.(note, if you don’t want to tweet it or don’t have a blog, I invite you to post your story in the comments section.
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