
Monday again?

I suppose it is Monday again…

I’ve not been keeping up with all three of my writing prompts every week, but I have been hitting at least one.  I’ve had a lot of things(related to the super secret project) that have been taking me away from the wordage.  Hoping to start turning that around soon.


So…I tackled the Six Minute story prompt today but was about four seconds short of finishing my last sentence.  I posted it on Swirling Currents with the last sentence completed.  It was a fun little bit of whimsy to write.

Hope everyone’s had a good weekend and welcome to another week! The Fourth falls smack dab in the middle so I’m not sure how that’s shaking everyone else up…other than a building cooking and wandering out to the rooftop to watch the fireworks I don’t imagine it’ll upend my routine too much :)


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