Eroticon Meet and Greet
Helloooooo everyone :) For anyone who’s missed it, I will be attending Eroticon 2012 in Bristol, UK next week. Check out the other attendees, check out the conference, and get a ticket if you’re in the region, they’re still available, y’know!
Don’t know what Eroticon is? Well, here, let me help you out from under that wee little rock and fill you in!
Eroticon 2012 is the UK’s first conference for Sex Bloggers and Erotica Writers.
Held in Bristol on Saturday 3rd March, it is an all day event open to anyone writing about sex online from novice bloggers to published authors, the conference will provide a safe space to learn, share and network.
The schedule includes workshops and panel sessions covering a wide range of subjects from writing inspiration, tech-skills, photography, getting published and more.
In the evening you can relax and mingle with a glass of wine and listen to readings from the UK’s up and coming sex bloggers and writers.
If you don’t have a ticket in your hot little hand what are you waiting for?
- Name: Aisling Weaver
- Blog:
- Twitter: @AislingWeaver
- Facebook:
- Height: 5’5.5″ (Hey, that half an inch matters!)
- Eyes: Grey
- Hair: Brown
- Describe yourself in three words: Curvacious, shy, American
- What are you looking foward to at Eroticon? Well, I’ll be hanging out with my lovely Wyeth Bailey and the fabulous Ruby Kiddell! When you start there, you look forward to everything!
- What’s on your Lovehoney wishlist? Ummm…hang on….*goes shopping* Oh my. I do believe sharing my list might reveal just a bit too much about me…..
- What song would you add to the Eroticon playlist? My song is on there already…Melissa Ferrick’s Drive ;) However, I do love Pink and Peaches’ “Oh My God”

Looking forward to meeting you, Aisling! It’s going to be great!
Really looking forward to seeing you and Wyeth! xoxo
As you know I am already ridiculously excited about meeting you and Wyeth. In fact, I’d go all the way to Bristol just to see you two. Can’t wait. Much love.
Oh my god, I can’t wait to meet you! And Wyeth, of course! Excellent song choice, btw. x
Looking forward to meeting you!
I’m looking forward to finally meeting you in the flesh! :) x
I’m too excited for words, thus I’ll speak none. Except for this – *squeeeeeeeeeeeee* R x